
Showing posts from June, 2022

W11 Balanced life

      Creating a balanced life is a goal that many of us have. But, what is a balanced life? I believe that is a question all of us should have prior to attempting to create a balanced life. If we are attempting to establish a balanced life yet we do not know what a balanced life is then it will be very hard for us to accomplish this goal.     I love how balanced time is described in Ecclesiates 3, "1  To every  thing there is  a  a season , and a  b time  to every purpose under the heaven: 2  A  a time  to be born, and a time to  b die ; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up  that which is  planted; 3  A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4  A time to weep, and a time to  a laugh ; a time to  b mourn , and a time to dance; 5  A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 6  A time to  a get , and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; 7  A

W10 Dream Big Dreams

This weeks study materials reminded me of a discussion I had with my Dad. The discussion was about my search for a car. I had done previous research on economical cars not only on price but also fuel costs and size. My Dad being someone who dreams big began to lecture me about the importance of dreaming. Although my search for an economical car was not bad he wanted me to understand the importance of dreaming big. Without vision of something great it will be impossible to achieve something so. This concept of dreaming big and a mentality of superseding the status quo is very important when used in an appropriate way. I believe that many people get stuck in what I call the "poor mentality". Most of the time we ourselves are the ones capping or putting a ceiling on our potential through habits and certain mindsets. I love the saying "shoot for the stars". If you shoot for the stars and don't quite make, odds are you made it to a pretty great place. Although it can

W09 Disciple Leadership

      Having a leadership skill is very important. We often talk about how important the leadership skill is but there is not much discussion as to why being a leader is so important. Being a leader in whatever good you do helps not only those around you but it helps and benefits you personally.      No one is a leader in everything they do. Many times a single person is a leader in one or two different areas but not many. I believe this is one reason why being a leader so so important. You as an individual have certain skills and abilities that come more naturally than they. do for others. The interesting thing is that the person next to you won't always have the skills you have but they have skills or are portrayed as a leader in the area that you aren't. So, while working together with those around you and acting as a leader in your area of expertise it allows your circle of influence, co-workers, family members, friends, etc, to be the most successful they can be.     My wo

W08 Overcoming Challenges

      Overcoming challenges is necessary in every aspect of life no matter who you are, where you're from, or what you do. I have recently come to relearn that conflicts and challenges have the ability to bring us closer to the ones we love and most importantly closer to our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. Once a problem or trial brings us closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ it allows us to more easily identify Gods will for us. But thankfully we are not on this Earth to simply suffer through challenges it is while overcoming those challenges that we are often able to look back and see what we have learned and become.     Another principle I was reminded of is that we should never wallow in self-doubt. Humility below a Father in Heaven and redeemer is important but should never be replaced with increasing self-doubt. We should rejoice in the strength and guidance from God. I love the saying "shoot for the stars and you'll end up somewhere pretty great"

W07 Seven Habits

     Of all the seven habits I believe that habit number one "Be proactive" has the most meaning for me currently. Being proactive is something that has always been important for me. Laziness, what I believe to be the opposite of proactivity bothers me although I find myself participating with a lazy mindset on occasion. The power that humans have to be proactive is incredible. Humans are able to choose how to act and react. As was stated in the summary of the book The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, "We have the ability to influence our own actions. Therefore, being proactive means to actively choose what our response will be in any situation rather than to react blindly." The mindset and action of proactivity is what sets a foundation for success.     The seven habit will help me fill my life with passion and purpose by setting a course towards accomplishing righteous desires and passions. These habits emulate the importance of who a person is and how they ca