W07 Seven Habits

    Of all the seven habits I believe that habit number one "Be proactive" has the most meaning for me currently. Being proactive is something that has always been important for me. Laziness, what I believe to be the opposite of proactivity bothers me although I find myself participating with a lazy mindset on occasion. The power that humans have to be proactive is incredible. Humans are able to choose how to act and react. As was stated in the summary of the book The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, "We have the ability to influence our own actions. Therefore, being proactive means to actively choose what our response will be in any situation rather than to react blindly." The mindset and action of proactivity is what sets a foundation for success.
    The seven habit will help me fill my life with passion and purpose by setting a course towards accomplishing righteous desires and passions. These habits emulate the importance of who a person is and how they can become way more. Our purpose on this life is too change and thankfully humans are capable of doing that; but only if we want to change and put forth the work in order to change.
