W14 Reflection

  • If you had one final lecture to share with a group of students on what you have learned from this course, what would you share?

I think the most important lessons I have learned from this course have been to remember. Always remember your Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ. If we forget them and their eternal plan for us while working in, accomplishing, or obtaining anything in this life it will have been in vain. Without the help of the guidance given from above, it is likely that we will not succeed. Instead of separating our lives into separate sections like work and career, family, spiritual growth, etc, we will never feel balanced in life. If we instead involve Heavenly Father and his guiding spirit throughout all we do all the time, we will establish balance and pure joy.

  • What would be your last bit of advice to someone wanting to begin the entrepreneur journey?

Go for it! you won't learn more anywhere else from entrepreneurship than trying it and making an effort to succeed.

  • What words of advice, direction, or caution would you give him or her if you had only one chance to give your own last lecture?
It won't be easy. Keep pushing and trying. But it will be much easier if you are involving the lord and your spouse if applicable in ALL you do. If you forget to involve the lord being humble enough to except his will you will always fail, even if your business becomes successful.
