W03 Honesty & Business Ethics

     This week I felt as though I was reminded of many important principles, I have learned in the past. I believe repetition of the important principles we must apply every day to be necessary for eternal success. Without repetition we often forget why we apply certain principles in our lives. As an example, I am someone who loves eating healthy food. For some reason if I am not actively learning or relearning certain principles pertaining to how one can eat a healthy diet I tend to start eating less and less of what is good for me and more of what makes me feel sick. So by studying honesty and business ethics it was a great reminder as to the importance of being honest and ethical in all my doings.

    I was blessed to grow up in an area with many successful mentors and leaders. Speaking with these people having had great success in their careers made me realize they all have something in common, they all live the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the best of their abilities and remain honest in all their doings. Isn't that fantastic? One of these great leaders of mine told me that, "having integrity and remaining honest will help you become successful in the best way possible." I truly believe that honesty and obedience brings blessings.

Jan Newman stated, "if you do something dishonest in a business, you think, you may think that it’s under the covers and nobody will ever see it...it will come out someday..." Not only does auditing or other security efforts uncover dishonest actions in business but one person is always watching and it would be disheartening to know that I was dishonest before the Lord. The worth of my integrity is worth more than any sum of money or capital in this world.
