W06 Mastery and Healthy Progression
Mastery is an interesting concept containing answers to many questions about, setbacks, problems, issues, shortcomings, successes, triumphs, and victories. How was one person able to reach their goal and another was not? I believe the answer to this question lies in the concept of mastery. In our society today we constantly look for the path of least resistance and what route will get us want we desire in the fastest way possible. Although being effective and efficient are both very important, many times trying to be the most efficient leads us to be the least effective. Mastery requires much more time, diligence, and determination than we often believe or would like. Mastery involves periods of long plateaus with occasional spurts of progression. In order to obtain mastery we must continue through the times of minimal to no progression. Healthy progression is another very important concept. I have seen and heard of many unhealthy ...