
Showing posts from May, 2022

W06 Mastery and Healthy Progression

    Mastery is an interesting concept containing answers to many questions about, setbacks, problems, issues, shortcomings, successes, triumphs, and victories. How was one person able to reach their goal and another was not? I believe the answer to this question lies in the concept of mastery.     In our society today we constantly look for the path of least resistance and what route will get us want we desire in the fastest way possible. Although being effective and efficient are both very important, many times trying to be the most efficient leads us to be the least effective. Mastery requires much more time, diligence, and determination than we often believe or would like. Mastery involves periods of long plateaus with occasional spurts of progression. In order to obtain mastery we must continue through the times of minimal to no progression.         Healthy progression is another very important concept. I have seen and heard of many unhealthy progression stories. Let me explain wha

W05 A Hero's Journey

      A hero's journey is not always glamorous or beautiful. A lot of the time a hero's journey is ugly and rough, filled with obstacles and hurtles that can cloud the soon to be hero. I say soon to be because what makes a hero is someone who rescues or saves something in a selfless manner. In the world of becoming a hero in your career and as an entrepreneur you must overcome the hurtles, deconstruct the obstacles and do it in a selfless and service-oriented manner.     The true heroes in my life have sought to lift where they stand, seeking to do good, and providing others with opportunities through their business and career. But may I remind you that the hero's journey and the hero's journeys that I have just mentioned were not pretty and many times not pleasing pass through. But these hero's kept on moving which led them to a life of fulfillment and joy in what they accomplished and most importantly what they had helped others accomplish along the way. As mentio

W04 How will you measure your life?

     I learned some valuable principles and concepts this week that I truly believe could be studied for much longer than just one week. The ability to establish a plan or a guide for your life with goals and dreams allows us to consider the question of how a person will measure their life as a whole.     I spent some time pondering about what Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin's stated in his talk, "Little Things Are Important" when he said, " The question is not one of managing time, but one of managing ourselves with the time we have." We cannot manage time but we can manage ourselves within the bounds we are given. We often lose control of what we can control due to attempting to control what we cannot control.     Another principle I learned is the true importance of doing what you love or what you were born to do. I have heard it all the time, "do what you love and the money will follow." One of the main reasons for that was explained by Tom Kelley when he

W03 Honesty & Business Ethics

      This week I felt as though I was reminded of many important principles, I have learned in the past. I believe repetition of the important principles we must apply every day to be necessary for eternal success. Without repetition we often forget why we apply certain principles in our lives. As an example, I am someone who loves eating healthy food. For some reason if I am not actively learning or relearning certain principles pertaining to how one can eat a healthy diet I tend to start eating less and less of what is good for me and more of what makes me feel sick. So by studying honesty and business ethics it was a great reminder as to the importance of being honest and ethical in all my doings.     I was blessed to grow up in an area with many successful mentors and leaders. Speaking with these people having had great success in their careers made me realize they all have something in common, they all live the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the best of their abilities and remain hone