
Showing posts from April, 2022

W02 Reflection

Why do you think Randy Pausch was able to achieve so many of his childhood dreams? I believe their wasn't just one reason why Randy Pausch was able to achieve so many of his childhood dreams but rather multiple important reasons. One of the reasons why Randy achieved so many of his dreams is that he had a picture of what some of his dreams looked like. Someone who wants to accomplish big dreams that are inexistent makes it pretty hard to accomplish them. Thinking about what you desire to achieve in life is a very important step in life that often gets overlooked. Dreams do not need to be concrete and absolute but rather conceptual ideas of what your dreams look like and how you can make them happen gives much needed guidance. Do you feel that dreaming is important? Why or why not? I feel that dreaming is very important. Dreams create hope, passion, and an invigorating drive to grow and change, even move toward something better. Discuss at least one of your childhood dreams. Explain


4/18/22 Lessons Learned: -Today I have learned that I still am excited about entrepreneurship. After time spent thinking about school and other hobbies I forgot about how much entrepreneurship means to me. -Entrepreneurship is not an easy path but it leads to an extremely rewarding path of life. One of the rewards is being able to give back to whom every you determine needs it. You can become an entrepreneur hero if you take the more elevated path. -You  need  friends to be successful Lessons Not Yet Learned: -I am very interested in this course Bus 110. I want to be a real learner and spend time engaging in this courses content. But with so many other responsibilities like other classes, work, family, friends and dating how can I actually progress and learn the things I am passionate about? It's easy to fall into the trap of, "I just need to get the assignment or the homework done." Because a lot of times thats all the time I have. References: -